Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Where are my wife-fondling, swinger, hipster parties?
Where are my black curtained rooms, full of neverdowells such as myself, drinking and smoking and discussing introspective ideas far beyond our current comprehension? 
I suppose I could blame myself for not seeking these people out.
As Kerouac and Ginsburg and all those fuckers did.
Looking for adventure in the gutter with criminals and vagabonds.
Working terrible jobs, only to be endowed with great pride, crystallizations of self worth and work ethic.
Feeling fulfilled in their quests, leaving at the drop of a hat to ride in the backs of their friend’s broken down cars to see the country.
(I don’t know if this is going to be a rant about my generation, technology, my own problems, or all of those things… so just hang with me.)

I read the works of Kerouac and think about how it will never be that way.
We are so connected now, so contrived in our everyday social media posts, that we don’t need to actually do things. We can create the image with pictures and words. And this is a thing that tears at my mind.

Why are we letting ourselves get carried away with our handheld technology?
Do we not see the void being created between ourselves and others due to our telephones?
People argue that technology has made us more connected. Horseshit.
It’s made us lazier, more passive aggressive and highly sensitive.
We misinterpret textual word and then subtweet.
We see a post on instagram and like it because we don’t really like it and we are trying to take a jab at someone.
We’re passing judgment with the swipe of our finger.

I think what I’m trying to say here is that we need to take a page from the book of the Beat Generation and seek one another out. 
We need these experiences because they are the glue that holds our souls together.

We need to quit being this “plugged in” generation, this… 
Beaten Generation.

We’ve let our own self pity, angst and anxiety plague us into some sort of passive aggressive, hate-mongering douchebag generation.

We need each other, people.
We need to connect to each other, in real life.
Physical touch and spoken word are necessity.

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