Monday, May 20, 2013


I was dreading writing in my blog all week.

So instead of writing I'm posting more pictures. This time I decided to stick with an idea, rather than bombard you with the random pictures I take that I think are super cool.

I decided to take pictures of people's hands. This idea was pretty short notice so all the shots I took are from today. I have done zero editing to them. Some might be blurry, some might be dark, or too light.

I still really like them.

Asking people if I could take pictures of their hands got me some strange looks and some people were more than willing to let me. I'm pretty sure people thought I was going to upload the pictures onto some hand fetish website. I promise you I am not!

While I was taking pictures of everyone's hands, I began trying to find a reason behind taking these pictures. I realized that peoples hands can say a lot about them. Injuries, scars, wrinkles, spots, artwork are all found on the peoples hands, behind all those things there are stories.

Every single person whose hands I photographed are interesting, incredible people. Each is so unique in their own ways, their thoughts and ideas, hopes and dreams, past, present and future are all reflected in their hands.

These people fill my world. I am so grateful you allowed me to do this. I can look back at this and remember a time in my life. I can remember the people that were in it and how interesting they made my existence.

You all affect me and I am so grateful for you.

P.S. For those that I missed today, I will be asking you for pictures of your hands.

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